
Familjeplanering - Melinda Gates och Bill Cameron har förstått - varför inte Folkpartiet?

Nedan ett citat av ett brev från en stor FP (=familjeplanerings-) konferens i London. Slutsatserna står i skarp kontrast till Karin Karlsbos uttalande härommånaden på GLs åremöte ("varje barn är välkommet ...") och SIDAs svar på fråga om ökade FP-insatser ("befolkningsutveckling är inte ett prioriterat område") och Hans Roslings huvudbudskap ("det ordnar sig, vi blir 10 miljarder i alla fall") och vårt landsmötes avvisande hållning till förslag om ökade insatser.

Det är förunderligt att det skall vara så svårt att hålla två grundläggande tankar i huvudet:

1. I ett fattigt, överbefolkat land är en exploderande befolkningsökning ett avgörande hot mot möjligheten att nå rimlig välfärd. (över 1 miljard människor lever i sådana länder i dag)
2. Jordens ändliga resurser är redan överutnyttjade. Ju fler människor desto svårare att skapa utrymme för rättvis välfärd för alla. (Här måste dock framhållas att den "rika" världens ökande överkonsumtion är ett minst lika stort hot)

Läs gärna nedanstående brev och titta gärna på denna länk -  http://edition.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c1#/video/bestoftv/2012/07/06/mckenzie-kenya-lucias-secret.cnn

Special congratulations to the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition for being a strong catalyst behind this rather remarkable FT report. Most impressive is that 1292 organizations from 177 countries all signed onto a "Civil Society Declaration to the London Summit on Family Planning", which is reproduced below.

Dear David Cameron and Melinda Gates:

We strongly support the Government of the United Kingdom and the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation in launching this global family planning initiative to drastically improve the
quality of life for millions of women, men and young people. The initiative contributes
directly to realizing the International Conference on Population and Development
Programme of Action (ICPD PoA). We commend your work -which highlights the crisis in
international support for family planning - as part of a comprehensive approach to sexual
and reproductive health and rights. We encourage other partners to support and
supplement the London Family Planning Summit to ensure the ICPD PoA is delivered in its
entirety. In particular, we recognise the potential of this initiative to strengthen health
systems, expand contraceptive choice and stimulate demand. By reaching an additional
120 million women and girls by 2020, it will enable some of the world's poorest people to
exercise their rights; reduce social, financial and gender inequalities; and contribute to
sustainable development. We hope it will inspire additional efforts to benefit women and
girls in all countries.

Through a process of global consultations including an online survey, this statement of
support represents the combined views of more than 220 respondents from 53 countries.

Country-Led and Country-Owned
Meeting the global unmet need for family planning will require a multi-stakeholder
response, and we applaud the strong emphasis of this initiative on building on the existing
policy commitments of national governments. Recognising the need for additional and
significant support for, and expenditure on, family planning, programmes must be
integrated to ensure the most effective and efficient health benefit for women and girls.
We support efforts to build on and strengthen country planning, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation systems that take account of human rights. This will require
the active participation of beneficiaries, and support to build the capacity of local
governments, civil society and the private sector in addressing the issue of unmet need.
In some countries, progress has been made in reducing unmet need. We are committed to
South -South sharing of lessons learnt and successful models.
We commit, as service providers, advocates and monitors, to partnering with governments
and the private sector, to build the required capacity - as recognised in the Every Woman
Every Child Country Accountability Framework.

Increasing Demand and Empowering Women
We applaud the London Summit on Family Planning for its commitment to work with poor
and vulnerable populations to increase individual awareness, address socio-cultural
barriers, and increase community acceptability of family planning, including
comprehensive sexuality education. In particular, we applaud the initiative's emphasis on
empowering women and girls, and delivery through increased service provision. We
encourage you to focus on providing information and services to those who have
historically faced poor access to family planning, especially young people, poor women,
people with disabilities; rural, indigenous, displaced and post crisis populations. Similarly,
we encourage you to make linkages to other programmes including those for economic
development, education (especially for girls), environmental protection, HIV/AIDS,
maternal and child health, security and youth.
We commit to working with communities and reaching poor and vulnerable women and
girls with evidence-based information so that they can make informed choices regarding
their fertility and choice of contraceptive method.

Contraceptive Security
We recognise the need for urgent action to increase women and men's access to a broad
range of contraceptives, which is essential for free and informed choice, and increased
use of family planning. This will require extensive long-term efforts to increase political
will, improve forecasting and budgeting, secure supply chains, and support human
resources and capacity building (including task sharing), reduce price and introduce new
contraceptive technologies - particularly those that are user-controlled and those that
serve multiple purposes (i.e., prevention of both unintended pregnancy and sexuallytransmitted
infections). We encourage this initiative to engage existing and potential
contraceptive manufacturers, WHO and regulatory authorities to expand the available
range of supplies and suppliers. Ensuring contraceptive security in light of the trend
toward decentralisation in the health system will require adaptation of logistics systems.
We encourage the initiative to learn from successful public and private health programmes
including those run by civil society and encourage public-private partnerships.
We commit to raising awareness of the importance of commodity security and to support
mechanisms that will achieve that between now and 2020.

Service Provision: Providing Services for all, including Young People
Family planning is best provided as part of a comprehensive range of services, including
sexual and reproductive health. We support this initiative's efforts to reduce legislative,
policy and cultural barriers that restrict access to information or services, for all people,
including young people. This includes removal of barriers such as the requirement of
parental or spousal consent and denial of services to unmarried people. This initiative
should expand service delivery mechanisms, including those based in the community or
mobile clinics, task shifting and engaging the private sector and civil society to augment
public sector service provision. We call for efforts to improve quality of care, especially
with regards to reducing stigma and ensuring client confidentiality. The price of services
and commodities should not be a barrier to access for the poor. Where appropriate they
should be included within national health insurance schemes.
We commit to advocate for an enabling policy environment and to deliver high quality
services, particularly for those who are poor or vulnerable.

Financing Mechanism
We are united in our support for increased and sustainable financing dedicated to
expanding access to family planning information, services and supplies. We support
financing mechanisms that build on and leverage existing national plans and programmes.
Such funding should be flexible enough to be made available to the public, private and
not-for profit sectors based on their ability to deliver cost-effective results. We support
your efforts to ensure that financing for family planning is increasingly provided by
national governments as an indication of commitment. This is particularly true for middle
income countries, where access to technical assistance or funds for services for extremely
hard-to-reach groups may be more appropriate. Funding to strengthen civil society
capacity to hold their governments accountable, is also much needed.
We commit, where possible, to unite to help mobilize additional financial commitments.

Global Advocacy
This initiative is invigorating the international sexual and reproductive health and rights
community. As we near the 20th anniversary of the ICPD and the expiry date of the
Millennium Development Goals, we urge the convenors to support global and regional
advocacy efforts that build international support for sexual and reproductive health and
rights, including family planning, as central to sustainable development and a critical
component of future development goals. We also call on the UK Government, as a lead
Summit partner, to work with governments to ensure that Summit goals, commitments
and plans remain central priorities for the development agenda as it assumes leadership of
the G8 in 2013.

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